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Under Wheel Folding Base

Under Wheel Folding Base

Quick Review:

The Under Wheel Folding Base is a versatile solution for flag installation. This base is designed to be used in areas where traditional ground spikes are not an option, such as hard surfaces like concrete, asphalt, or decking. The base features a compact, folding design that allows for easy transportation and storage, while the heavy-duty material ensures stability and longevity. The base is designed to fit under the wheels of vehicles, providing a secure and stable platform for flags, even in windy conditions. The base is easy to install and remove. Whether you're using it at a trade show, sporting event, or any other outdoor gathering, the Under Wheel Folding Base is a reliable and practical solution for businesses or individuals looking to display their message or brand in an eye-catching manner.

Product Specification: Under Wheel Folding Base Only 

Production Time Only: 1-3 Business Days 

Shipping Options:

  • We ship to any location in Canada and most states of the U.S. 

  • We offer free pickup from our facility located in Richmond Hill, ON (Pickup hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm). 

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Order Now and this item is estimated to be ready for pickup or shipping byThursday, Feb 27 at 5 pm