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( Sandwich Boards with Feet )

To send the proper job please do the following:

1- Search for your size and download our guide file.
2- Make sure to upload two separate files for the front and back of the Sandwich board.
3- Prepare your file as follows:

    * File format should be PDF or High Quality JPG file
    * File Resolution should be min: 200Dpi, Max: 300Dpi
    * Please adjust the proper bleed.
    * Avoid using borders.
    * Keep the important information in the safe zone

You can change the job name to your preferred name
Please upload images only File should not be larger than 250 MB in size.
  • pdf.svg
  • jpeg.svg
  • ai.svg
  • psd.svg
  • indd.svg
You must agree to the Usage Terms.