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Heavy Duty Plate Cross Base

Heavy Duty Cross Base

Quick Review:

The Heavy Duty Cross Base is a robust and reliable solution for displaying flags in any setting. Made of durable, weather-resistant materials, the heavy-duty plate construction ensures stability in high winds and rugged outdoor conditions, while the cross shape provides added stability. The screw holes allow for secure anchoring on a variety of surfaces.The unique design and lightweight construction make it easy to transport and set up, making it a convenient option for all your flag display needs. Order now and experience the difference of a truly durable flag base.

Product Specification: Heavy Duty Plate Cross Base Hardware Only 

Production Time Only: 1-3 Business Days

Shipping Options:

  • We ship to any location in Canada and most states of the U.S. 

  • We offer free pickup from our facility located in Richmond Hill, ON (Pickup hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm).  

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Order Now and this item is estimated to be ready for pickup or shipping byThursday, Feb 27 at 5 pm