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Ground Spike - Triangle

Ground Spike - Triangle

Quick Review:

The triangular ground spike is a reliable solution for flag installations. Its unique triangular shape provides stability and versatility, making it suitable for use on a variety of surfaces, including grass, gravel, sand, and snow. Made of high-quality materials, this spike has a sharp, pointed tip that quickly penetrates soil for secure anchoring. Its triangular design provides extra stability compared to traditional round spikes, making it ideal for windy conditions. The spike is easy to install and remove, making it a practical choice for outdoor events, promotions, and advertising. Whether you're setting up in a park, at a trade show, or any other outdoor gathering, this triangular ground spike is a must-have accessory to display your message or brand professionally.

Product Specification: Ground Spike Hardware Only

Production Time Only: 1-3 Business Days

Shipping Options:

  • We ship to any location in Canada and most states of the U.S. 

  • We offer free pickup from our facility located in Richmond Hill, ON (Pickup hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm).   

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Order Now and this item is estimated to be ready for pickup or shipping byMonday, Mar 31 at 5 pm