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Cross Base

Cross Base

Quick Review:

The Cross Base is a versatile and reliable solution for displaying flags in indoor and outdoor settings. This base is designed to provide stability for your flag with its unique cross shape. The base is made of durable, weather-resistant materials, ensuring it can withstand harsh outdoor conditions. The compact design and lightweight construction make it easy to transport and set up, ensuring that you can set up your flag display quickly and efficiently. Whether you are promoting a business, displaying team spirit at a sports event, or adding a touch of flair to your outdoor space, choose the Cross Base for a secure and stable flag installation that will last.

Product Specification: Cross Base Hardware Only 

Production Time Only: 1-3 Business Days

Shipping Options:

  • We ship to any location in Canada and most states of the U.S. 

  • We offer free pickup from our facility located in Richmond Hill, ON (Pickup hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm). 

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Order Now and this item is estimated to be ready for pickup or shipping byMonday, Mar 31 at 5 pm